Hey there,
I am Nico Dokoupil, a 19-year-old photographer that loves taking landscape photos. I enjoy traveling as much as possible especially abroad. I have taken photos in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, and El Salvador just to name a few. I have also taken photos across the United States in places such as Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Utah, Puerto Rico, and California. I live in Florida and when I am home I enjoy shooting in the ocean the most. I grew up always being at the beach surfing. I began surfing as a toddler and have always felt most at home when at the beach. There is an amazing feeling of being in the ocean and trying to capture the amazing creations of Mother Nature. While shooting in the water sometimes it can be challenging, nothing is ever set and it is always moving, you are in the hands of Mother Nature. It is my job as the photographer to work around and with her. It is my hope that the passion I have for photography can be shown and expressed through the images I take.